No stranger to the game
-Steals thread- Hello! 300+

The past few weeks had been calm and quiet. Ehno had spent much of his time patrolling the pack borders and milling about the mansion. The ever present itch for exploration was on him again, inspired by the calm, but he kept his wanderings to the packlands, content to stay close to home for the time being. He had headed south west from Haven Manor that morning, deciding he wanted to take a look at the nearby caves. He had seen them a few times before, but he never took the time to explore them. He had spent the better part of the morning wandering throughout the caves, making mental notes about how each one connected to the others.

He had been checking out some rather peculiar patterns on one of the cave walls when the relative quiet was disturbed, originating outside and swooping down into the caves. The barks bounced off the cave walls, echoing throughout the small system of caves and distorting a little to take on an almost higher pitch. Ehno paused, listening to the barks as they faded and silence took over again. He cocked his head to the side, curiously wondering if it were one of the pups were wandering about outside. He turned around and made his way outside to see just who it was.

He poked his head out from the cave, glancing around the snow-blanketed scenery for any sign of the other wolf. Some distance away stood another wolf, one unfamiliar to the Italian boy. He had never seen this stranger around the mansion or packlands before and the winds were blowing in the wrong direction for him to catch the scent of the male to see if he really was another unknown packmate. But the stranger’s demeanor was calm and not out of place or suspicious, not the behavior of someone knowingly trespassing on their lands.

Ever curious and friendly, Ehno stepped farther out of the caves in order to get a better look at this fellow and make himself more visible. “Hello there,” he called to the stranger, the usual smile pasted on his features.

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