missed that exit sixty miles ago.
Eee. -Missed Souls a lot.- People kept talking to me about it lately! I was like... D: But it's cool, now I'm like Big GrinDD

----------faster, faster.. the lights are turnin' red

Of all the folks she could've run into first, she was probably fortunate that it was Savina who found her. The other female had a welcoming, friendly demeanour that strongly reminded her of home--and all of a sudden, she was getting hit with pangs of nostalgia in addition to pangs of hunger. Her red eyes widened at the suggestion of a meal and her pink tongue danced out across her chops. Really? If you don't mind, oi'd love to... but you go first! she exclaimed lightly, nudging it back. Polite or not, instinct would get the better of her and she had a feeling she'd scarf down that rabbit in two minutes flat if she weren't kept in check. She was content to let Savina eat first and pick through the leftovers. After all, anything would be better than what she was originally expecting (i.e. nothing).
Hmm.. I, well.. she stammered for a moment, frowning at her own behaviour. It was unlike her to stumble over her words, but she honestly had no idea what to say... or rather, how to say it. My.. dad.. named me after an Italian kind of car, yes. But I'm pretty sure he was from Ireland, she finally managed. I've lived in Canada my whole life, though. A look of relief washed over her and her tail swung slowly behind her. She felt a little retarded and wondered if Savina would think she was slow--alas, it seemed mighty unprofessional to go spewing personal life stories to a stranger, though, so she would remain 'inept' instead of rightfully 'confused.'
Her head tipped to one side as Savina explained the predicament further north. Well! At least she hadn't wondered there by mistake. Being surrounded by a bunch of dead trees wasn't the best for morale. 'm looking for a couple of folks, actually. I was told that one would be in Inferni and that the other probably is, too, so I guess I've got to start there. With the sky rather overcast, she couldn't even figure out which way was which any more--other than away from the ocean had to be west. Still, she'd already come that way and missed her target, so obviously there was a bit more to it than that. South and west, since north was just wastelands? It seemed logical.

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