missed that exit sixty miles ago.
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The dark wolfess was happy that she had been able to help the other. "You're very welcome." She had to chuckle at the comment about the weather. "Yes, it's taken some serious getting used to. This is my first real winter. Back in Italy it never iced or snowed." Now that she had gotten over the majority of her bellyaching about the temperature, she could see the beauty in the winter landscapes. She would still take the summer sun and warmth over this stuff any day, but it wasn't all that bad. As Maserati ate, she took a seat, licking her front paws to help warm them up after being in the snow for so long.

Savina listened with rapt attention as it was explained to her what cars were. As the younger wolf talked her eyes grew wide as she tried to picture what these things were in her head. While she had gone to Halifax on a few occasions, she hadn't really paid much attention to the scenery. Most times she went there looking for something specific and once she found it she left. While she was more used to the old human city now, at times it still gave her a chill up her spine. These car things sounded almost magical! They could move that fast? And hold that many wolves at a time? "Wow...that is amazing! I never knew the humans had such things. It's impressive that you're able to make them work again!" She wouldn't' have the first clue about such things. Her simple country Italian upbringing had not prepared her for the wonders of a place that used human artifacts so regularly. The girl was getting more used to it, but there were still so many things she didn't know.

A spark glinted in her eyes as Maserati stated that she was very fast. Racing was something that Savina also loved and she herself had never lost either. Admittedly, her pool of opponents hadn't been that large, but she had been the fastest wolf in her birth pack. "Ah, really? Racing is something I really enjoy as well! I never lost a race back in my birth pack either. Maybe some day we'll have to have a race the two of us?" The idea excited her. The only races she had really had here had been with her brother. She would love to race against a skilled opponent.

Triangular ears twitched at the mention of having the message from a former leader. Could it have been Anselm? If she had already been warned about Inferni from whoever it was, it would make sense. After their first meeting he had told Savina to find him in Halifax instead of going to Inferni. She nodded her head. "Yes, I imagine you'd be fine with that information. They do look out for their own and those that know them." Well, that last part was only partly true. Savina was a bad example though. While Hybrid had had it coming, she knew that she was no longer safe anywhere near the clan. "If...you don't mind my asking, who was it that sent you?" She supposed the chances were higher it was somebody she didn't know, but it was always possible.


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