let your dreams take wing
They don't tell you what to say
when your whole life has gone to hell.

She was pleased to find her one and only friend to be so eager to meet her daughter. Ryan had such an appreciation for the Italian girl and her kind words. She had always been such a sweetheart to Ryan, and she held onto that now. Especially with the way things had crumbled with DaVinci. She needed someone like Savina in her life.

"Thank you, Savina. I’m sort of clueless about this mothering thing, but I’m trying my best. She had a twin sister too, but she didn’t make it," her tone grew solemn there for a moment, but she added a smile. "I buried her at one of the most beautiful places I know – the shore. I’m sure she would have found it pretty too." She stroked Valkyrie’s back through the pouch, cradling the pup in her lap. She seemed so small still and it was a wonder that she would soon grow to be a curious, wriggling puppy. "Well actually," Ryan started, when Savina mentioned DaVinci. She didn’t want to have to admit her faults again, but she needed to get things off her chest. "Valkyrie and her sister were a mistake. I drank too much one night in the mansion, and I slept with another man. A guy from Inferni. There’s nothing between us at all. In fact, I’ve avoided him since then, but it’s ruined things between me and DaVinci. I can’t blame him. He must feel so betrayed." She cuddled Val closer, in place of the comfort she would have received from Davinci a few months ago. "I don’t know if he knows about Val - Hybrid, I mean - and I’m scared to tell him. I feel so lost, Savina. I just want to try to be a good mother for my daughter."


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