there's no inbetween
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cakeShe stayed in position, leaning back on one arm, watching the purple-dyed coyote as he took the vodka and lifted the bottle to his mouth. The mere sight made her smile -- Talitha discovered these things on her own because her aversion to company didn't make her any less curious about life in general. These were things she needed to get over, but ask her if she cared. She laughed shortly as he coughed and told her what he thought of it. "Yeah, you'll get used to it." A lazy reply. She didn't care if he didn't like it; she would find a way, God help her, to get him to keep her company. It was boring to drink alone.

cakeShe grinned as she met his gaze, and plucked the bottle from his hands. She took another swig, focusing for a moment on nothing in the world but the burning sensation in her throat and stomach; when it faded a little, she sat up and crossed her legs, leaning in towards him and pointing at his arm, where the bandage had been a short time ago. "So what happened?" Though blunt, her curiosity was genuine, and as she spoke, she offered him the bottle again. She hadn't drank much in her as-of-yet short life, and she was a lightweight: probably wouldn't take her long before her third eye opened and she saw the world a little clearer. It was always better that way.

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