just doin' my time, from 9 to 5.
LOL The bird part made me giggle. XD

----------faster, faster.. the lights are turnin' red

Anselm, in all of his infinite foresight, had only given her descriptions of Gabriel and Ryan. Even before Corona was visible, Maserati could tell by scent alone it wasn't Gabriel--this was a female. Ryan? She could only hope. Off the top of her head, it seemed it would be much more difficult to seem credible to anyone else. Squinting through lowered eyes as the older girl approached, she felt her heart sink when she realised this was not her half-sister. Beyond that, the stranger was shifted--oh god.
Maserati's red-tipped tail readily curled beneath her body and she all but pasted herself to the ground, thoroughly squishing Charger in the process. Polite manners or no, the raccoon was less than thrilled about his cramped quarters, and he started to squirm, kick, and paw at her chest. Her first instinct was to ignore him, but she found herself raising at least a centimetre so he had some room to breathe. Greetin's ma'am. As her lightly accented voice spilled forward, even she was surprised by how steady it was. This alone was enough to give her confidence. She was lucky Gale had taught her well--she'd never really tried to speak with someone on their own territory before.
Quickly, she moved to introduce herself. Maserati O'Clavin, although Oi suppose 'de le Poer' may be more accurate these days. Oi've got some words to pass along from an Anselm de le Poer. She paused a bit, unsure if she should continue. Do yeh know him? Please say yes, she mentally beseeched the golden lady.

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