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By now, you should've somehow realized what you gotta do!

(OOC area.) Haha sorry for the length! I just had a random burst of muse/rambling on. Next time it'll be realllllyy short I bet XD

WC: 500+

Days past, months past, seasons past. That is just how the world works. Life moves on and life dies. These things had all touched the black males mind as he lay on his bed, shielded from the weather, other packs, and the world. His spirits shifted and fought inside of him. Ever since he had found out that Savina had been hurt by Hybrid, since he and Garnet became mates, since Simon showed up, ha had felt emotions spinning inside of him. Anger, love, protection instincts all clashed against him. Why did life have to be so complicated. Rolling onto his side he wrapped two strong arms around Garnet's tiny body, holding her tightly against his chest.

He loved this coyote with all his heart. She was his fallen angel from above. Taka had told him when he was little that everyone had angels. They were beautiful greater beings that gave you hope. If this were true Garnet was his favorite angel he had met. His nose was still blocked, though he had taken some herbs before going to sleep so he jumped slightly as scratching came from the door. Shifting out from under the covers he felt naked as he shuffled to the door. Normally he would pick out a pair of baggy, knee length shorts to cover himself up, one of the few that wore human clothing. Opening the door his eyes wandered down, knocking would be in shifted form so logically his golden orbs knew where to look. A tiered smile crossed his lips at Simon's small figure. “Come on in.” He yawned as he wandered over to Garnets sleeping body and nudged her awake, “Garnet, we have a visitor.” His soft voice whispered to the dark lady.

He walked over to the sitting area he had made in the large room. It had always amazed him what he could do with all the space in the mansion. The room was small compared to the library but still, it was larger then his mothers cabin. Jazper had decorated his living space to fit his styles. The bed was large, placing against the far right wall and covered in brown and white furs he had collected and made into blankets. Above his and Garnets bed Jazper had put a small upright piano for general practice in his own room. This piano was not near as nice as his black grand in the library but he made use of as much space as he could in his own room. Furthermore, in the top right corner beside this piano he had put together a glass, rectangular case on the wall with snaps the held his silver alto saxophone and his orange violin against the wall. Naturally, in the library he kept a separate small attached room filled with music and other instruments he had found since meeting Garnet. Walls were a red that matched his lover's crimson eyes and name.

Directly across from the door three large windows that circled at the tips were covered with white curtains that allowed the light to dimly light the living space. In front of the left window was a small desk willed with papers of Jazper's research on music, cooking, and wood work. The top left corner contained three tall bookshelves that the coal male kept a small selection of books that he found the most useful over the past year. Finally, the bottom left corner was composed of two small couches, a large comfortable chair that Jazper had taken from a siting room where Deuce had taught him to read, and a lightly tones wood fireplace that were placed to form a square. Taking a seat on one of the smaller couches he patted the seat beside him, "“So, what can I do for you?” He was curious as to why Simon had come in search of him. Normally they would just meet up in the forest or by the lake, never had he come to his room directly.


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