I recall the push more than the fall

OOC: Sorry for the delay! ^_^

Lubomir smiled at her again. Although he thought he had played a small role, it seemed the female did not think in such terms. He slowly eased his hand around her body and helped her up, retaining his grip. He couldn't let go of her now and embarrass himself. Instead, he used his free hand to keep stroking her fur reassuringly. She seemed so happy to have defeated her own dark side that he could only smile more. I was only the catalyst, Savina. You did everything else. If you weren't strong enough, you'd still be trapped in that shape.

It was perhaps the use of the foreign language that startled him more than her vehemence in relaying her thanks. Lubomir did not feel as if he had done anything less than what he would do for any friend. He couldn't let someone else become like him, haunted by the fear of turning into a vicious monster. To hear her speak so confidently gave him new hope. Wy jesteście pożądani Polish was a harsher language than Italian and he only knew a few words in Savina's language, most of which pertained to Emperor's names and locations. One day you could teach me Italian. That would be payment enough for me. His eyes sparkled with excitement and mischief. It would mean he would get to see her again and he would further his knowledge. He was unsure of how many books in Wolfville were in languages he could understand, so no harm would come from learning more.

That she would be tired seemed natural and Lubomir would not begrudge her at all. Would you like me to walk you to your den or would you someone to help you? The last thing needed now was to spark a conflict between their packs from a simple misunderstanding.


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