and I hope you have more luck with this than me
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So sorry for the wait on this! And yes, this seems a good place to end this.

pushitinSoran watched as the lady rose, smiling slightly that the girl was happy to accept the offer of help that the dark fae placed before her. She did not want Conri to be harmed, least of all by this fae, but that did not mean that she would hold a grudge or any hatred for her mirror image, after all she was her packmate, and she was only defending those she loved. Soran knew what it was like to defend those she loved, she remembered the great fight between Aremys and the Inferni, she had fought bravely then for her son, she had bitten, clawed and thrown the coyotes out of her way, she had barely been herself at that moment, so she knew what it was like to let the viper take over and fight battles. Luckily for the ebony huntress her warrior side stayed well hidden, it was controlled and easily quashed, she did not need to fear it as her dark companion did.

pushitin The obsidian lady nodded as Savina spoke of having to go and see to the borders, that was not unexpected, after all each wolf had pack duties that they had to attend to, whether it be cooking a meal for everyone to share or patrolling the lands, making sure that there were no lost newcomers or indeed unwanted guests on the lands. With this thought the dark grandmother shivered slightly, wondering if Conri would be foolish enough to wander into the lands and end up being confronted by Savina, every inch of her prayed that he would not come here, she loved him dearly and did not want to see him hurt, no matter what he had done, he was still her son.
"I shall hopefully see you around the lands Savina, remember my door is always open... And Savina... if you happen to come across Conri, please don't attack him straight away... call for me please, I am sure that I'd be able to move him away from the lands, not that I think he'd be foolish to come here after what he has done.” The fae spoke, posing the request carefully, wanting to avoid any bloodshed, especially when the blood was hers, well mostly.

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