missed that exit sixty miles ago.
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In a way, Savina knew how this sudden family thing felt to Maserati. Not exactly of course, but she had an idea at least. The Marino's own family was very small. It had just been her mother, her two siblings, and her. While they had been a part of a pack and their sire had always been around them, she at least had never felt like they belonged. Serge had been higher up in the pack and Amata had been a subordinate. So of course they had taken his side over her's. They allowed them to stay, but they had never truly been welcomed and accepted. Then as their family had been whittled away one by one and she had ended up here, everything had changed. Here she was accepted. She had her brother back. Most times this place felt more like a home to her than her birth pack ever had. "Yes, I understand how that must be. My family was very small and then I came here and while we aren't related by blood, my pack feels like one large family to me. It's quite a change than what I grew up with."

Sometimes the Italian femme forgot to make herself clear when she spoke. It was obvious to her that Maserati was only here temporarily and that she planned to return to her home as soon as she could. "Oh, yes, of course I didn't mean it that way. Simply if you needed someplace warm and dry to rest while you are here. We've had temporary visitors before, it'd be no problem." She wasn't trying to be insistent on the idea, but with the cold and snow it was nice to have some nice welcoming place to lay your head. "Yes, I do hope that you'll at least come visit! The trip from the city to my packlands isn't too far. If you find one to work on you should let me know. I'd be interested to watch how you fix those things up."


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