listen all of y'all it's a sabotage
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Plugs huh? He'd never heard of such a thing. His uncle had had some rings on his ear, and this tagy thing, but nothing as big as what Apollo had. But as he was asked if he wanted to see what it looked like when they weren't there his eyes lit up even more. "YEAH!!" he exclaimed, his tail wagging faster. As the wooden circle was popped out of his ear, all that was left was a big hole. The boy's eyes grew wider. That was crazy! Had he cut a big chunk out of his ear or something? It seemed like the only way someone would be able to do that. He peered through the hole, able to see the trees and grass easily through it. "That's so cools!" He'd never seen anything like it!

When asked if he'd seen other people with rings and other things in their ears he nodded. It'd only been his uncle DaVinci, but he had seen it. Up to this point he hadn't given it much thought, but now that he was they were pretty cool. Haven listened carefully as Apollo explained how he had gotten the bigger holes in his ears. Well, that made sense. Not to mention it sounded a lot less painful than actually cutting a hole that big in your ear. How did people come up with these ideas? They were so neat! "That's really neats! I might wants one of those some days! When I'm bigger and can shift." Yet another cool thing he could have when he was able to shift.


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