A new home in a strange world
yay table. LOL
And yay housemates. LOL

She watched as the stranger dropped to her knees to greet Willow. There was no introduction yet. Deuce assumed it would come in time. Willow stretched her neck out to sniff at the stranger. "Choo smews wike fadder. Fadder is hachoo. Ma says I wook just wike 'im."
Deuce hadn't known Haku had a daughter, he hadn't told her of that. She didn't know of any pups he had, beyond Firefly's litter. But given the girl's striking looks, she must have been his child. Seemed his pups had a way of turning out like him. Deuce tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before responding to the stranger. "It certainly appears that you two share blood. Perhaps you would like to come in and we can talk?" She was open to listen, although she'd be horrified at hearing what Haku had done to his oldest child, a child who was actually younger than her oldest.


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