You Tell Me


Alexey roared with laughter as her new pack mate dismissed the compliment. Obviously, flattery wasn’t something the girl normally dealt with. Fair enough. The Circèe moved on, not wanting to make Colibri more uncomfortable than she already was. She nodded once more, as to confirm the fact that she didn’t mind if the chocolate female tagged along. When Coli mentioned the parents and how they wouldn’t want to see her, Lexey’s ears perked up curiously. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t they want to see you?” she questioned, slightly taken aback by such a statement. Firefly and Haku weren’t the easiest people to get along with, but Colibri was part of the family after all. Why couldn’t the Lillium’s presumed daughter see her brothers?

Colibri provided the answer to that question. Her reply was evasive, but it was enough for Alexey to get a rough idea of what was going on. Haku had reacted harshly when Firefly had told him she was pregnant. He had never wanted those puppies in the first place. Lexey assumed it had been the same with the blue-eyed girl. And on top of everything, her new friend had run into Firefly. The tawny femme didn’t even want to think about that encounter. “Firefly doesn’t like many people. Don’t take it too personally.” she explained, trying to soothe Colibri’s emotional wounds. “You have two healthy brothers and,” she paused, pursing her lips together before continuing. “and one sister who didn’t make it. I don’t think Firefly has named them yet. “ Alexey frowned as the Filix mentioned how her father had disowned her. How could he? “I think you should see them even if you’re not on speaking terms with Haku; they are still your siblings after all. He tried disowning them too, you know. It just didn’t work this time.”


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