deceiver of hearts

indentPhasma often cut through the Moaning Wood on her excursions to the city, which was what today was supposed to be all about. On her way back though, caught without the blanket she often carried along to keep her warm, she was caught out in the blistering wind. With the small wicker basket held tight against her body, she made her way into Bonefire, the one place that she knew she could find a place to take refuge. It wouldn't be the first time that she'd done so. It wasn't so much that it was a violent wind, just that it was very cold, and Phasma was starting to feel in setting in to her bones.

indentIt didn't take her very long to reach the entrance of the caverns, which she made a short sprint for and ducked inside as soon as she reached it. Exhaling some, the raven woman took a moment to look around, gathering herself and adjusting the basket on her arm. Usually she would have settled right down to wait for the wind to die off but something deeper inside, not to deep, caught her attention. The sound of footsteps, slow ones, rang clearly through the walls of the cavern. "Hello?" She called out, taking a few steps further inside.


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