lost in the sound of separation
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ump/02.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Yep yep. Big Grin And sorry, this post is a little spacey, lol.

Sitting there cradling his sister in his arms, Ehno began to feel better than he had in the past few weeks. The more her breathing steadied and her tears subsided, the more he felt himself steady. Honestly he was a little surprised at how much their little chat just now had put him at ease. The fact that he had been affected that greatly by the thought of being less trusted by his sister just showed how much he valued that bond with Savina. But now their little misunderstanding had been cleared up and Ehno could tell that she was just as relieved as he was. He had a renewed respect for her now that he was aware of the emotional distress she had been experiencing along with her physical pains. He was proud to have such a strong sister.

He knew that after this situation, neither sibling would keep a secret from the other. Still, hearing Savina confirm this out loud filled him with warmth. The Italian boy’s smile widened as she gave him a loving lick, and he returned one of his own. Ehno caught the light layer of humor on her next words and he chuckled slightly. He was glad to have their conversation take on a much more light-hearted feel. "Certo," he said, his own words taking on that tint of humor. Ehno pulled away from his sibling slowly, content to simply sit there beside her now that she had calmed. It was then that he noticed how late it had gotten, the darkening skies outside drawing his gaze toward the window. “Non i giorni sembrano volare appena da in queste terre strane, fa loro?” he commented, continuing Savina’s little joke.

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