one tin soldier rides away

Suddenly he didn't feel so alone. In the span of a few seconds it had become clear that she was just as confused as he was, which meant that she understood and if nothing else, knew who Segodi was, and had recently seen him. He still could not shake his confusion but the warmth within him spread from his heart to every extremity to create a kind of web of happiness. At the same moment that he was experiencing all of this, it finally hit him. He had another sister! Well, an adopted sister, but to him it was all the same and it meant the world. Somehow he had wandered far away from family he knew so well, but had managed to stride right into the life of more family, family he had no idea existed. It was a strange feeling to the boy. Everything had actually worked out in the end (even though he hadn't located his father) because he had found her, and she seemed just as anxious to find Segodi again as well. Now more than ever, he felt as though he was on the right path.

However, he still had no idea of what he should say. Things had seemed to progress in a fast-forward state, and he had barely had a chance to let it all sink in. Though he wanted to say a million things, he could barely elicit a response that anyone on the planet would be able to comprehend, and so kept his mouth shut. The smile on his face grew though, and it was implicit. He was incredibly grateful for all of this. Finding out he had another family member as close to immediate family as she was, hearing her welcome him into her home clan, and finally, most importantly, finding out that Segodi (or Abel, as he had apparently called himself, which was still a mystery) had been here and that he was still out here, still alive. It was all so overwhelming, but it was the most amazing sort of overwhelming information he could ever hope for.

“Thank you!” he exclaimed finally when she had made her incredible proposition. They would find him. They had to. “I would like to stay. Here. With you!” Partly because he didn't know how to get back, which was embarrassing and a poor display of his skills (or lack thereof), and so he would not tell her that. But he also had a feeling that he would be reunited with his father if he was only patient enough. Maybe he would regain his memory, and come looking for him! It was a long shot, he acknowledged, but he couldn't help hoping. Someday he would find his family again, and not just his father, but his mother and brother and sister, too. Being away from them for a little while would be okay, he knew, now that he had discovered even more family. “I'm Jesile,” he said with a grin, already looking up at her with a foundation of fondness. She was family, after all.

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