Watch the Clouds Drifting Away...
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Whinifred walked in her wolf form across the terrain. She had yet to make any progress in this pack. Shaking her head she sat down and looked at the grass that was almost bear now of snow. The light rain that was coming down, soaked her thick strawberry coat and making the scents mingle together and fade. Through the sounds and scents of the rain whinnie could hear the call of a she wolfs longing voice ring through the air. It was a call she hadn't heard for a long time. Fred couldn't remember the last time she had howled, it bothered her that she didn't remember.

The urge to go to the howl was so temping that Whinnie didn't ignore it. Getting to her paws she started towards the shollow call. It felt good to run, letting her strong legs carry her lean body. Moving quickly she weaved in and out of the woods like a deer through the undergrowth. When she finally came to where her ears and instincts had led her she found what she had been looking for. A black she wolf who was noticably older the she, stood with her muzzle tilted to the skies howling. Moving on large strong paws towards the other female. "Bonjour Madame." Whinnie said in her husky french accented voice. Sitting down before the female who was a stranger to her.


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