let your dreams take wing
They don't tell you what to say
when your whole life has gone to hell.

She would have been lost without Savina. She knew it. The Italian girl was really the only person she felt like she could confide in, and things had been like that ever since they day that they had met. Even then Savina had eagerly listened to Ryan’s qualms about her father and had offered her comfort and support. Ryan had never met such a lovely person as this woman.

"Thank you so much, Savina. For everything, really. I feel so welcomed here and I’m glad that things can stay like that even after all that’s happened between packs." She turned to the couch to scoop Valkyrie into her arms. "I’m so glad that I have you as a friend," she told her with a smile. She peered down at her daughter, wondering how she was fairing. At a tender age of only a few days, Ryan worried that she would get tired out or too cold or something bad would happen. But it seemed that so far, everything was alright. That thought put her at ease, and she smiled through drying eyes.


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