Leave Now and Never Come Back

Words: 366

His harsh language made her ears flick back. She had forgotten how foul-mouthed he could be when he was upset.
"Maybe it's too late for me, but it's not too late for them! Everyone in the pack is watching you, and if you screw up even once, they'll all rip your throat out," Coli growled, hackles rising on the nape of her neck. Alexey told her the pack had defended the newborns when Haku stormed in on the birthing, and she was almost jealous that they, her little brothers, had such a reliable safety net. She couldn't defend herself, didn't have the will to, but children were her weakness. At least they could grow up thinking the world was a friendly and good place, couldn't they?

She wasn't sure what she had expected from Haku, but she knew if he had acted like he cared, if he had apologized, then she would have been the one to knock him to the ground. She needed him to be the bad guy. If he found remorse and nullified the rape that had defined her personality, then she would have to ruin him, even if it turned her into the villain. She needed someone to hate other than herself.

"I'd dance on your grave, if you even got one. And if you're right, and those kids turn out half as fucked up as you are anyway, then I'll put them down myself... Better to end their lives while they're still innocent, then after they've tasted blood." Breathing hard, Coli dared him to challenge her back. This wrathful side of her was horrifying - she had not been pushed so far in her life by anyone, and the words that had tumbled from her snarling lips were nothing that she had premeditated. If Cer saw her now, she doubted her old friend would want to see her again. She didn't want to be here anymore, wanted to escape from this eerie nightmare... There was still purity in her heart, but it was a fragile balance, and her cowardly vengeance was threatening to tip the scales. Why hadn't anyone given her the same opportunity...? "You... Probably should have killed me already."


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