tell me something sweet to get me by
They don't tell you what to say
when your whole life has gone to hell.

Valkyrie stumbled on little paws along the shore, sniffing at this and that and getting used to the scent of sea salt in her nose. She pawed at a few abandoned shells, grinning when the underside of one revealed a majestic swirl of colors. Aside from that, there was just random spots of slimy grass, dark brown in color and not really that appealing to the small Inferni pup.

Her small ears swiveled atop her head, and she looked up with temporarily blue colored eyes and smiled at the stranger. "Hiii," she cooed, smiling broadly towards the stranger as she looked down towards the small pebbles beneath her paws. There were less rocks and more sand closer to the waves, but there was still plenty to keep the young girl occupied. "Wha’s your name?" She asked the steel colored man, before shooting a quick glance at her mother. She had been warned not to talk to strangers, but Valkyrie hoped maybe she could get away with it so long as Ryan didn’t lift her eyes from her sewing…

The fabric between Ryan’s fingers was one she had been coveting for awhile now. She had finally decided to make something with it and figured a new dress would do her good. She needed a fresh outfit for this new chapter on life. She smiled to herself as she fed the needle threw the cloth and hummed quietly.


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