i got nobody on my side
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/ ... ha/bg2.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom">

cake"Yep," Tal grinned briefly in reply, glancing down at her fur. She was thin and small like a coyote, but coloured like a german shepherd; these two things, though conflicting, worked on her, somehow. Talitha, even if she didn't know it, was adaptable and could probably make anything work, if she had just a little more confidence. Unfortunately that had been stolen from her at a young age. It set her back and she knew it, but getting on your feet again was imperative. She was strong. Or maybe just pigheaded. Yeah, that was probably more likely -- she might look like her dad, but she wasn't much like him in any other regard, this being something the girl was painfully aware of.

cakeThe fluffy white one: as Tal deciphered Zana's slurred puppy-speech, an image came to her mind of that furry little white coyote wandering about, the one she'd mistaken for some kind of northern fox the first time she'd seen her from the window of her bedroom. "I believe ya, girly," Tal told the mystery-puppy with a slight frown. That fluffy white fox-thing had come back with Zeke; maybe she was jealous. Girls could be like that. In fact, in some small way, deep in her heart, Tal was a little jealous of them; they were still living with her father. Her father. She knew she could've gone back, though, and for that reason she refused to show she felt this way. "Some people are just like that, and there's nothin' you can even do about it. But my dad and Zekie must really like you, if they're lettin' you stay. Hey," she added suddenly, the ADD kicking in, "where'd you get those ribbons on your tail? They're pretty."

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