I am your heavy eyelids
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... bycdg1.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

The reactions the foreigner had to his being manhandled only reaffirmed the fact that he would not be capable of doing what had been done in the lighthouse. One passion killing perhaps, but there were a hell of a lot more than one body in there. No, the one he was gripping wasn't the guilty party. Onus slowly released his grip on the wolf and turned to walk into the building. He wasn't going to get any answers he understood from that male, so he would have to investigate the scene. The smell of rotting flesh was almost choking. Good thing he was used to the smell and it bothered him little more than any other unpleasant odor.

The coated canine knelt down to the closest corpse. With one hand he picked and brushed the maggots away from their feast to try and get a better look at the wound that ran across his chest and abdomen. Damn. The little pests had already done a good job of cleaning up whatever the original wound had been. The meat was smooth and wider than it would have been originally, though not by much. How long had it been since this had happened? Investigation always was better right after the crime. This body was also missing an arm. He leaned in closer to see if he could determine how the limb had been separated from the torso. It appeared to have been hacked off with something mildly sharp, not ripped out of the socket.


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