drag me down
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... ktable.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Awww, poor ickle Salem D: Shall we wrap this one up?

He hadn't gone out on that ice on his own. With the obvious level of his distress it was clear to her that someone had done this to him. Her blood boiled. She couldn't believe that anyone would dare come into their lands and harass a pup, leaving him out on the thin ice of the lake to perish. But it wasn't just anyone. It was somebody from Dahlia, the pack that her friend Cercelee lead. Certainly the alabaster alpha had no idea what was going on, but she knew that whatever packmember it had been knew better. It took everything she had to suppress the growls in her chest. She didn't want the boy to think they were directed at him. If it were up to her she would track down the pathetic wretch herself and teach them a lesson they wouldn't soon forget. But she couldn't, she needed to stay here and look after him.

When his little voice asked if she was mad at him her own ears gently folded against her head. Craning her slender neck down she licked the top of his head. "No sweetheart, I'm not mad at you at all. This wasn't your fault." It wouldn't happen again. The Lt. General would make sure that everyone was on top of border duties. If any unwelcome guests came along, especially any from Dahlia de Mai, she would deal with them personally. No one would endanger the children like that again. "Do you want me to carry you to the mansion? Or do you want to go back to the den?" Salem was warmed up more, so now he just needed emotional comfort.


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