I am your heavy eyelids
The creature released his iron grip and Barthélémy felt his legs give out and tumbled into a heap on the floor. His heart was racing and his breath was coming in gasps, but at least he could breathe. He narrowed his eyes as he watched the stranger think, annoyed he had not apologize, or even glanced back at Barthélémy. "Bâtard," he muttered foully after the coyote, slowly pushing himself to his feet. That coyote's grip was strong! Bart hoped he didn't do anything to make the coyote mad and do that again, whatever he had done in the first place. But what had he done? He had showed the coyote the bodies and waited, and then...

Bart flattened his ears as he tried to think, tried to figure out what had made the coyote snap. Wait. Did the coyote think he had done this? Bart shuffled closer to the doorway, following the coyote to the ledge and stared in. He couldn't have done this! How could he? It was vile and gruesome and... and the coyote did not know that. But the other canine had let him go, which meant he thought Bart was innocent, right? That must be it!

Bart moved closer, watching as the coyote started to walk in, then bent down in front of one of the bodies. "Non!" he shouted after the coyote, then slowly moved closer. "Eille! Toé ne peux pas entrer là!" he protested, jumping to stand in front of the coyote, being mindful of the blood on the floor. He frowned, then shook his head, and pointed at the door with his paw. "Ne touché pas!" he demanded, his words coming out a little garbled.


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