tell me something sweet to get me by
He watched the small girl as she scampered across the sands and seemed to study everything in sight with such happiness. A small jolt ran through his mind as he wished that the small form had belonged to Zana but that was about as far as he got seeing how she wasn't Zana and he couldn't turn her into his wild and carefree little sister. He sighed softly before offering the girl a smile again as she spoke up to him, those baby blue eyes smiled back before turning her short attention back to the world around her.

When she asked him just who he was DaVinci spoke up, "I'm DaVinci.." he said softly as his eyes followed her's farther up the beach where suddenly he seemed to lose his voice. He cleared his throat suddenly and asked. "What's your name?" his eyes not leaving the form of Ryan as she seemed to be caught up in her work. He wondered if she even thought of him anymore as she seemed to be quite calm and collected sitting there working away.

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