i got nobody on my side
Zana was slightly jealous of Tal as she admitted that she did look like her father. The small puppy wondered if she looked like her father but she knew she wouldn't find out until they found her father. The small Lykoi girl wished that they could find him already and she'd be able to get to know the male that was suppose to be such a foundation in a a young girl's life. Perhaps it was a good thing she didn't know her father, if anyone actually realized who she belonged to they'd probably refrain from bringing up the male for her own wellbeing. Life was strange for the small hybrid but it would only grow stranger the older she got.

Zana flicked her eyes back to Tal as she began to speak again, a weak smile on her lips at the lady said she believed that she hadn't done anything to deserved the ill-will of the other clanmate. Her tiny tail begain to thump happily at knowing that she would have to try and explain everything when she didn't even know where she'd gone wrong. The explaination that the older woman gave her made Zana relax as she told her that sometimes that was just the way things are. The hybrid child wondered why things were like that sometimes but she was distracted by the change in conversation by Gabriel's daughter.

She curled a paw around her tail and the ribbons that wrapped their way to and fro along the middle where the skin was bare. She flicked her ears back as she spoke. "Dabi put them there.." She pawed at the little puff of fur that still stubbornly clung to the tip of her tail as she continued. "says pwetty girls needs pwetty bows.." She wasn't for certain if he was telling the truth but she had liked the ribbons and bows. "I wike the color.." she admitted shyly as she asked. "Do you has wibbons?"

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