chicken in the bread pan

indentMusic was something that Phasma had imagined she wouldn't ever hear again. There were very few people around Bleeding Souls that took so keenly to human things and, even then, not many of them would take the time to learn to play or were born with the ability to just do so. No matter how surprising, it had been a refreshing thing to hear, and the sound of it brought a smile to the face of the weary woman. He bowed and Phasma smiled more, tipping her head and leaning forward just a bit. About that time, though, the violin was extended toward her, and she reached one finger out to touch the very edge of it. They were precious items, she knew, and she didn't want to be at fault for any harm coming to it.

indent"I haven't seen one in ages." She commented quietly, straightening herself up a bit as she spoke. It was indeed the very same instrument that L'vair had played for her so long ago. As he sat Phasma took a few short steps forwards, shifting her weight to seat herself on one of the many rocks that had been placed outside the den for sitting purposes. "There was someone, quite some time ago, that used to play one also." She couldn't help but to wonder just how L'vair was doing now. "Phasma Kiles." And again a smile. "I came to Jaded Shadows just a few weeks back. Thorn and Rurik are your uncles, then?" She couldn't help asking because, if she remembered correctly, Endymion had been Thorn's son.


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