whatever they say your soul's unbreakable
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... bycdg1.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Ok! And some PP, let me know if you want any of it changed!

Speed was one of his greatest assets. He had trained himself to be able to turn directions at breakneck speed on a dime. Since his size could at times be a disadvantage he made up for it with whatever he could. Considering he was still alive it must work. So when he saw her use the spear to throw out a kick he let his body fall to the ground and let his momentum keep him moving. While he had been quick, so had she, so she had managed to hit part of his jaw. A dull pain was there but nothing more.

Weapons were something he only used in extreme circumstances. Onus had never, nor would he ever carry one. If necessary he would improvise one but he preferred hand to hand combat. So as he slid under her he grabbed onto her spear (which she had now released her grip on), and planted his heels into the soft ground. Standing up he plucked the spear from the ground and threw it off to the side. The coyote then turned to face her, waiting for her next move. Since this was not a serious fight he was not being as relentless as he otherwise would be.


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