As the ridiculous world went by
It was refreshing (though not altogether rare) more than anything else to meet a couple that seemed to be so in love. And perhaps their relationship was young; it was evident enough in the way the female spoke of Pilot as if their passion was recently assembled. She was proud of her mate, too; all was well, it seemed, it the world of Dierdre and Pilot.

Expressing natural concern for one so gentle and friendly as the female before him, Tamerlane frowned faintly. If she was unaware as to what her illness was, chances were it would strike again. Before he could offer advice, however, she asked him of a different matter that was perhaps slightly more urgent. Do you know what to do for a wolf that won't do anything? She... just lays there. Does she talk to you? Tamerlane asked in the soft voice expected of a helpful stranger. Because it sounds psychological to me; perhaps she needs to dig inside herself, produce the issues and confront them; and perhaps she's incapable of doing that on her own.

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