When the Wind blows......[m]
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Whinnie looked back at the male over her shoulder, she was only a foot behind him. His words made that delicate smile remain. Putting her hand up she moved her hair out of her face. Her young beautiful eyes locked onto the male. He was unbelievably handsome so much so she was finding it harder to play his game, but Fred stuck in there, her smile never faultering. His words had been harsh, but Whinnie knew she deserved them on some level. What women was so cold that they betrayed their whole pack for the life of her and her sister? It had been the reason she didn't tell Monsieur jefferson of her past. He wouldn't have liked to hear the grey reality.

"Yeah your probably right Monsieur. He is probably in a much warmer place then mon arms." Whinnie said grinning. The strawberry blonde female couldn't help but want to laugh. It was ludacric how she indulged this stranger. His name wasn't even in her knowledge yet. "I'm not inviting you to anything. Yet, Monsieur." She said gently walking up behind him and touching his upper arm. It amazed her how small she was compared to the male. With her hand on his soft fur she looked up and him, her blue gaze staring into his grey one. "I'm only playing your game monsieur. Nothing more nothing less."

Looking down at his hands the one that he held the beads in was clenched into a fist. Grabbing the hand again Whinifred moved her hands over his hard clenched one, her eyes looking down and not at the strangers face. "My name is Whinifred." She lifted his hard clenched hand to her maw and gave in a tender kiss, like most french a welcoming. Et je pense que cela pourrait être le début d'une amitié monsieur Now she looked into his grey eyes.


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