When the Wind blows......[m]
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... rsig-3.png); background-position: top left; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Fred had not expected him to push her. With nothing to grab onto she fell back into the light snow. Her rump pulsed with pain. With her short stature it hadn't been much of a fall, but it had been a stab at her pride for sure. The beads were thrown at her as the male turned and trotted away from her, ducking behind some trees a few yards away. Her long blonde hair had come loose from being pushed, the leather tie had fallen somewhere in the snow, lost to her most likely. Grumbling in frustration she picked up the glass bead peice of jewelry and looked at it again. The peice was quit breath taking, much like it's owner.

Getting up to her feet gracfully, Fred took the time to wipe the snow from her strawberry blonde coat. His words had of course been a denile of the game they played, but Whinifred was no idiot. With the braclet braced in her hand she started after the male. Frustration was in her, and she wanted to know it. If he was going to push her around she would make sure to hurt him in return, maybe she would hold her revenge for a later date. Following his paw steps she made her way to where he had gone. Her own feet made crunching noises in the white snow as she got closer.

When she turned the corner and around one of the many tall trees she found her stranger. His hand down betwix his legs, and a pleasurable look on his face. Whinifred stood stalk still shocked so much she couldn't move. Her blue and half green eyes wide and her breathing had stopped. Heat rose up into her face and ears as embarrasment engulfed her. Finally she snapped out of her shock and turned around quickly and clumsly. "Desole, Desole, Desole, monsieur." The young women still couldn't move, her back to the man who was releiving himself. This was part of the game Whinnie didn't know how to play.


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