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The warmth from the fire felt wonderful. He found himself staring into its depths, almost forgetting where and when he was. Moose had seen fire before, both the good and the bad, but due to his lupine confines, didn't exactly have the means to make it on his own. This would definately be an advantage to living with the luperci.

Soran had spoken and it took the large gray male a moment to realize she had asked him a question. Shaking his head to clear the sight of the fire from his mind, he thought, struggling for names. Ah've met... Geneva und Savina... theh met meh a' tha borders. Und Ah've met Ehnoh, Jazz, and Kansas... und Anu. Ah thin' tha's all o' 'em. 'Tis qui' a few o' us, aye? His own pack had been a fairly large pack, but they had a much large territory--not that the wolves of Crimson Dreams had a small one--food was just a little more scarce and so all wolves needed more room to roam where he was from.

He watched her toying with her flute. Was it impatience or simply idle hands? He felt it was the other. Fiddling and toying with objects... another thing he would never be able to do due to his lack of giftedness. It was an odd thing going from being the top of the ladder to almost the bottom. Moose had always been the biggest and one of the best; hell, he had been the alpha of his whole clan. He had the best mate (many wolves had fought for Sirce both before and after she chose him) and the best life.

And in just a few short weeks, everything had changed. His brother Merzekial had come back from his exile and began harrassing the pack. It was risk all their lives by staying, risk Sirce's safety by choosing to fight, or saving them all by leaving. He had chosen to leave, and was blessed by the fact Sirce loved him enough to abandon the pack and come with him. Not only could he not protect his pack, he couldn't even protect their unborn pups or Sirce. Moose had lost them all. He felt wetness on his cheek and realized he had drifted off while staring into the fire again, only to allow some of the pain to leak from him.

Turning his face so his tears were obscured in the shadow of his face, he tried to continue the conversation, not wanting to ruin the flow of things. Things were just beginning to get good again--he couldn't stand to lose that as well. Sa.... 'ow 'es et yeh wolves kin... change?

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