We Know Who you Are

Cerceleee nodded and smiled gratefully. She wouldn’t force her way into anyone’s home, but it was nice to be welcomes. After all, her home, the church outside Berwick she shared with Slay, had an open door policy for all the pack members, she was pleased that most of them returned the favor to her. Silently she followed behind Deuce, through the front yard and up into the house. She heard the list of others who lived with this woman and was surprised to find Coli on the list, but upon entering the home the cousin and best friend was no where to be found. Deuce could always fill Coli in on the Rosea’s visit later.

“I’m glad that Coli has found someone to stay with.” And she really was, but her voice did not sound convincing as she distractedly looked down at the child crashing into her mother’s legs. Navy eyes quickly looked up to the male, Taliesin and nodded briefly, before turning back to the child of interest. Her suspicions then had been correct, but she hadn’t imagined a child had been involved in all this. Or perhaps that had been the reason Haku brought them here. How Firefly would take all this, evidence of Haku’s past all living under the same roof, within Dahlia de Mai, Cercelee wasn’t sure. But Haku’s overlooking of his mate’s feeling was no reason to be rude to the newcomer. “So then? Coli has a sister?” Both of them were clones of their father, there was no doubt about whose genetics had created them.


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