whatever they say your soul's unbreakable
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... bycdg1.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Sorry for the wait! And I love your new signature <3

He had to admit, as of this far he was impressed with her skill and control. The coy hadn't fought many females. Most of his fights had been against males. The other sex had a different way of doing things he had noticed though. Their movements were more fluid and more poetic. Certainly no one would accuse him of such traits. It was clear she had been trained in this. Onus had never had any formal training. All of his moves and techniques he had learned over the years. That wasn't to say that either of their abilities were somehow lesser though.

He jumped in the air to avoid her first kick and then leaned back to miss the second. He had learned to be good a dodging blows. If he hadn't he would have been in much worse shape than he was. The man was no youngster anymore but he was in better shape than most his age, somewhat ironically. Her last kick glanced off of his shoulder, he barely even felt it. While her cry was loud and there was no way to miss it, it didn't phase him in the slightest. Loud noises during battles were just white noise to him. Reacting to such sounds would lead to jumpiness and if you were jumpy it was game over.

Seeing a good opportunity with her back turned he swiftly closed the distance between them. Arms shot out attempting to go under her arms and then wrap around the back of her neck. If this lock succeeded he would then try and use his feet to knock her legs out from under her and bring her to the ground.


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