when all is said and done

     The name triggered a distant and nearly forgotten memory of a different beach, and of a boy with bi-colored eyes and dark hair. Gabriel could not pinpoint when the blackouts began or when they stopped, but knew they were relevant to something. Twin eyes tailed his sister, reminded feverishly of just how fucking similar she looked to their now dead father. Their now dead father who had, even in the twilight of his life, preached the Buddha and known the world was destined to be on fire.
     “There isn’t any easy way,” he said, aware of how distant his voice sounded. “Just…fuck, just tell him.” The anger came again, as it always did. Gabriel did not doubt that this was his crutch, as it had always been. “I don’t care if he stays here. Keep him out of sight.” A part of him knew that Jasper would always be in danger here. Another part knew exactly who would go after him. The hybrid took a deep breath, held it, and then sighed heavily. “I’m sorry,” he finally offered.“You two were closest. You were his favorite.” There was no jealousy, only the burden of a wayward son.


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