[J]ust sit back relax, Sit back

Husk had the advantage of being able to sleep with his eyes open, since he had no eyelids in the first place. However, because of that, he kind of had no choice in the matter anyway. He just sat in the tree, seemingly spacing out at the horizon, or what he could see of it. His rest was interrupted by a voice of sorts, most likely a female. He looked down to a pair of bright blue eyes. "Hello." He mumbled quietly, with his hand still over his eye.

He was cold and didn't necessarily feel like having a chat in the middle of the storm that was going on. "You don't happen to know where I could find a warm dry place? My eye is gonna dry out and....I'd like to keep it." He shivered in his thin clothing, clinging to his face. Alone, he tended to scare people, since he can't blink, which intimidates plenty of people. He's also quite a big guy, so it makes him look mean and scary to the faint of heart and tiny children. He liked the children though. When they weren't crying and running in terror.

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