in Black an White, he wore a tuxedo

She had to suppress the urge to laugh as it seemed that Jazper and herself were operating on the same brainwaves. But that was how things were around here. Everyone felt that sense of family and camaraderie within the pack. It was important to them all. To her it was one of the reasons they were so strong and functioned so well. Everyone was in tune and willing to do whatever they could. Hopefully Leroy would begin to feel it and act as such as well. "I see. Well, then this will just be a new experience for you." Some families tended to just go on their own ways, so she didn't think too much on that fact. It probably wasn't a reflection on the male before her.

"Well Leroy, I believe that is all I need to know. If you still wish it, welcome to Crimson Dreams. You will start at the rank of Basic Officer. Feel free to take up residence in either an empty room of the mansion or in one of the nearby caves. I reside in the mansion if you ever need to find me." She hoped that the oddly marked canine would be a good addition to their home.


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