Ouch, I have lost myself
"I can understand your reason for leaving Phoenix Valley, but I do not think this was a smart move. You are alone with a small child to support. You cannot live by yourself, it is too risky. I can smell Lucifer, and I'm sure that together you might manage fine, but you know he hates me. What about Willow? How can he ever love her when everything about her reminds him of me? Is she safe?" Her eyes were troubled as she lowered her gaze to the child in question. "Lucifer left us recently." Her confession was a mumble, almost as if she was ashamed of that fact.

Her eyes swung back to the male. "No one will hurt our child. I will die first. Besides, can you promise she would be safer anywhere else?" Her voice was a soft challenge, a gentle push. She felt there was no where safer for little Willow except with her, here. It was up to him to prove her wrong.

Willow glanced at her momma, then stretched. She wandered to the room where Tal was sleeping, curling up against the large white male. She batted at his tail, nibbling on his ear. He shook his head, shaking the girl off, opening his blue eye and peering at her. When she leapt at his head, he pulled it up, out of her reach.

In the living room, Deuce watched the sire of her youngest child, aware of the crackling fire in the fireplace, and of the distance between the two. She wondered if there would always be that distance, now that he had a mate. She wouldn't push it. He was still a friend, no matter what had happened between the two.

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