[J]ust sit back relax, Sit back

She squinted against they eye invading snow. It fell against her blinking eyes as she looked upward. He seemed to be a cat stuck in a tree, so sure as he climbed it, but then unsure when faced with the prospect of climbing down. Anu extinguished the thought quickly, knowing instinctively that he was only trying to protect himself, with his handicap and all. This is Crimson Dreams territory. And it includes that tree. She gave a soft smile, knowing that claiming a single tree was a little foolish, but if any beast was to get clingy to an oak, it would be Anu.

Taking a step backwards so that her neck didn't need to be so strained she took another good look at him.I'm Anu a Colonel here. Rarely did she ever use her rank, feeling better just to be equal with whomever she spoke with rather then a superior or subordinate. Still she was the third ranking wolf of their pack, and she felt it was her responsibility to keep everyone safe, as well as strangers just visiting.


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