Healing with a little voodoo

[ooc; tis ok! i wrote most of mine at school on paper :3]

"You'ed thought you wouldn't have blood shed after coming into Dahlia?"
The female's voice rang into his ear with the same dryness as his own, but it was slightly different as his ear twitched moved towards the sound. ' why am I not surprised?' For one because he was still in the packlands, which the annoying pestering of his own attacking thoughts seemed to start getting on his nerves. Leroy's patterned body didn't flinch or really react to her voice as he remained there, simply turning his skull he looked back until his pinkish-red eyes meet the bright yellow ones. He didn't speak yet but let his eyes roam over her form for a second, she was almost his height though as he took note of her colors; most females he saw were short next to him and thus it was irritating to him, but she fit right in the middle of the two. The dark female may not have the plumpest body but he could tell she was younger, though that didn't take away from the fact she was appealing. 'enough of that..' Raising a brow he pushed away his smirk as his body turned in the water to face the female some more, though this encounter seemed much more pleasant even with her sour tone. Finally letting his sly smirk appear his voice remained the same as before, but with only a hint of curiosity. "..maybe not but your packmate seemed to think I would hand my food over kindheartedly." His deep voice was dry but it was slightly amused as he had enough of the water, watching he moved he eyes away as he brought himself back onto the dry land. Sigh, he felt much better now as he plopped himself down on the grass. Putting his elbow lazily on his knee he looked back at the female that he found interesting but that only didn't erase his ill mood, curly tail swayed once before laying still behind him. "So, what's a little missy like you doing right here..wouldn't you want to sound the alarm.." Leroy teased only slightly as he took another deep breath, he felt much better and was glad for getting in the water.


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