i got nobody on my side
Zana had become overwhelmed for a moment at the thoughts of those she had left behind, not realizing them that when she'd left that there was a chance she wouldn't see the two males who had actually cared for her. She whined softly at the thought and yet within moments Tal had her distracted again with a smile and pleasant ideas and thoughts. Zana's eyes that had been quickly filling with tears threatening to brim over were suddenly shining and excited at the suggestion that the older girl had suggested.

She ducked her head bashfully as she said softly. "You's don't need wibbons.. you pwetty nuffs." and she meant it, Zana was small and awkward, tiny and scarred up. She was use to seeing scars and wounds but seeing someone who's marks didn't show on the outside to her was something new and a little bit amazing in her eyes. She really didn't have any concept of beauty and all it's glories yet, but in time she would learn. Zana lifted her face up to the other girl as she asked. "You promise?" She really would like some new pretty bows and ribbons, she'd seen how her tail looked without them and she wasn't sure she like the idea of keeping the pretty colored ribbons off the bared flesh. So little and she was already growing self concious about her abnormalties.

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