you had me at hello
They don't tell you what to say
when your whole life has gone to hell.

"Hello there," Ryan responded, pleased that the boy had introduced himself as a member of Crimson Dreams and revealed no foul intentions. Of course there was the possibility that he was lying, but Ryan didn’t even consider that. Instead, she was just happy that for now her daughter had found someone to play with.

"I don’t know lots of games," Valkyrie admitted to Haven. Sometimes she and her mother would play hide and seek, but other than that, Val was usually left to her imagination. Ryan would tell Val stories at night about magical things, and so sometimes Valkyrie would pretend she was kept hidden away in a room of the mansion and a handsome young boy would have to come rescue her. Of course, those games never got really far. She had no one to pretend to be the boy, so mostly she would have to hide in the cave and imagine that her prince charming was there to rescue her. "What games d’you know? Mumma can play, too," Valkyrie agreed, nodding her head.


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