when the wind blows (J)
Haha, not a problem. (:

An icy wind poured through the area, sending a chill up the tiny male's spine. He shook his pelt quickly, removing the snow that coated it as he did, eyeing the male suspiciously. He seemed kind enough so far, but he could perhaps be just as cruel as the pup's father. In the presence of others, Anton often seemed friendly and loving, but when they were alone, a new side came out. He wondered how long it might be until his father came back, for in his mind, Seti was certain that he would. There was no way that his father could leave him here forever, right?

As the male spoke, Seti sat in silence, mulling over the question, trying to figure out just how long it had been since his father left. Why it mattered, Seti did not know. Finally deciding on an accurate response, the small boy shook his head, "Uhno. Papa and me we travel all night till we get here. By then the sun just did come up, now the sun almost did go down. That how long I been here, since sun come up and sun go down almost." He nodded, deciding that he was in fact correct in how long he had been among the snow and unfamiliarity.

As the male spoke again, Seti continued to eye the wagon in envy. He liked it already, and wondered if maybe this man would let him play in it. But of course, he wouldn't ask, that would be rude. Clouded Tears? A pack? Why would his father leave him at a pack, when he had always told Seti that packs were bad? Already a bit confuse, Seti chose to ignore the first part of the response and instead answered the second. "Iunno. But...I tell you a secret okay?" he whispered, leaning a bit farther over the snowbank, but still not getting much nearer to the male. "My papa he hurt me a lot. He hurt my nose and made it blood, that's when we left, when my nose went blood," Seti's father had made him swear to never tell another of the beatings, and why he was telling this guy who he didn't even know, Seti couldn't decide, all he knew was that it felt good to open up, even if just a little.


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