there's no inbetween

i'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
Haha, no problem [: This sucks. Ark.

The vodka was almost gone by now, and he wasn't too fond of the burning substance. Giggle supposed he'd get used to it eventually, if only because Talitha wanted him to, but for now he considered himself done. The coyote's tongue was fuzzy in his mouth and he felt slightly light-headed. Never trying alcohol before made him weak to it's effects. He wasn't too far, though, just lightly buzzed. It was almost pleasant but unfamiliar, how he felt. Warmer. A little less inhibited, even. He inclined his head to the girl as she replied. Yes, that Giggle guy was an asshole.

Her next statement surprised him. She liked it? Self consciously he covered his muzzle, looking down.
'I- I don't like to stick out,' he said, catching her eyes on his. She plucked the bottle from him then and he glanced away, thinking about her next question.
'Yeah. Well, I mean, I'd been thinking on leaving for a while, anyway. Wasn't too happy there. With my brother and parents, that is.' He scratched his nose and looked back at her.
'What about you? Were you born here?' He was making assumptions, but then again, how many german-shepherd colored coyotes could exist in one place without being related?


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