got a phosphorescent secret

Savina grinned happily at Geneva's reply. Hunting was always more fun with someone else by your side and she loved the company regardless. Maybe with the two of them they might even be able to take down something substantial. At the moment she felt like she could eat half a deer by herself. Her face took on a more puzzled look as her friend walked around her, inspecting her. The question made her head tilt to the side. Different? She had no idea why she would look any different than usual. "I...don't think so. Do I look different?" The smaller wolfess wasn't someone to say something like that for no reason.

She shook it off though as they walked towards the back door of the mansion. "Thanks!" she said as Geneva held the door open. With the shoulder-shove she looked and saw the look in the other's lighter green eyes and a smirk caught on her face. Oh, so it was a race she wanted? Well, she was always more than happy to show someone how fast she was. "As long as you don't mind loosing," she teased. As the gray femme took off Savina sprang from the doorway and hit the ground running. It took mere seconds for he to catch up and she shot past her packmate as she skidded to a halt.

Stopping she looked back to Stockholm with a cocky smile on her muzzle. But then the wind blew a tantalizing smell past her nose. Sniffing the air it was clear that an older doe was not far from them. Almost as if on cue her stomach rumbled greedily. Nodding her head in the direction of the deer she started to stalk towards it, thankfully they were downwind. Emerald eyes took in the sight of animal, she was alone and weak, a perfect target for the two. The Lt. General looked back to Geneva for a second before taking off to one side of their prey. Her appearance was like the black shadow of death to the elderly doe and she was too afraid to even run, paralyzed in place.


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