I will never see the sky the same way

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Alexey’s stress evaporated into thin air as the tension left Deuce’s body. Her little family seemed normal enough, even if the older femme had somehow ended up having some kind of romance with the Lillium. Wait, romance or rape? Ever since her encounter with Colibri, Lexey found herself questioning every little thing pertaining to the male. It was hard to understand how anyone could fall for the man, and yet so many women did. Perhaps she was the odd ball after all? The Koios femme smiled gratefully as the mother finally provided an answer to her question. So Coli was off exploring again? Perhaps she was starting to feel a little more at ease with pack life after all. Good for her! “Oh, I’ll take her some other time then,” she said, her tone of voice dripping with disappointment.

Deuce mentioned Phoenix Valley, a name Lexey hadn’t heard of before. A pack, more than likely. The Circèe had been gone for a while and still had a lot of catching up to do when it came to neighboring packs and such. A frown had settled on her forehead by the time the ivory lady explained how Haku had suggested that they come live with him. Bah! They almost made him sound like a caring guy. He had gone from not wanting anything to do with Firefly’s children to offering his youngest daughter a home. Boy, he sure was full of surprises. “How nice of him,” she stated flatly before moving on and changing the subject at hand. “I'm curious. Why did you leave Phoenix Valley?” She sure was full of questions today.


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