Healing with a little voodoo

Everything was so right, the way her body moved underneath him with her slight moans and arches. Svara's growls brought one of his own as she tugged at her wrists, his rumble groans mixed with his playful teeth flashing. Oh she looked so ravishing to him,laying there beneath him willing but fighting all in the same. Breathing roughly he hissed out a long deep growl when she bit his arm, oddly the burning wasn't like the fight before it only fueled their fire at least it did his. Baring his fangs Leroy' slowly licked his maw as his ears flickered with her words an the sweet moan his firecracker produced, ' blood uh..damn your just too sexy..'. Svara was driving him crazy in all the right ways that sent his blood pumping, the heat in his stomach seemed to spread as his mind didn't care of the outside world but was consumed by their actions. The pure scent of her as well her own arousal made him get slightly harder, supporting himself with on hand the other went to her back as he slowly pulled his claws down- just enough to bring the blood she wanted.

Leroy let out a purr like growl as Svara's fingers searched in his mane before locking themselves,(he didn't even notice that they were close to the bite wounds) the male could only close his eyes as she placed her teasing nibbles that traced his sensitive throat. Letting a moan escape Leroy quickly growled as he held her with his free hand before thrusting against Svara, no trying to enter but merely teasing her with the pressure of his want and somewhat of her creation. Oddly he wasn't even worried about his vulnerable throat from her nibbles, something about Svara didn't bother him as she just made him boil in the best ways. Holding her, his claws pressed hard through her fur, flexing with each moanful growl he made. "Svara..I f-" He didn't mean to talk but couldn't hold it back as another rumble pushed it right out, opening his mouth he moved to grab her ear but was quickly flipped to the ground again.

Leroy had a smirk, only had it for about two seconds as he looked for his upside down state at a black female; Svara's snarled words rang in his ears as his whole body change, his aroused thoughts disappeared as his fur rose with a full snarl appearing on his maw. THIS IS FUCKED UP!! The only thing that seems to be going good and another person coming in that'll ruin it, NO! Hell no! Without even thinking his hands gripped her hips possessively as Leroy snarled loudly from underneath her at the intruder, well the member that invaded their simple moment of bliss. It was almost enough to make someone cry! " LEAVE! I FUCKING MEAN IT!" Leroy didn't not care who she was, or WHAT she wanted this was their time for attention and sex if they wanted it. " I'll fight you to just like that guy before!!" Leroy meant every word as he looked at her from the ground, still having his hands on her hips he was beyond mad. She took away his attention time with his firecracker.


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