one soul, one heart, one life, one [p]ath

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I'm really sorry this post is so late. D:

Pendzez was certainly the closest friend (secretly, Allegro might have wanted a little more, but she would never admit that) Allegro had met in Phoenix Valley. He was kind, caring and obviously brave and strong. She wondered what he would look like in his Luperci form. Allegro didn't know if that was a private form or not, but decided to keep her mouth closed. She smiled slightly, looking at Pendzez's eyes.

After realizing the the spirits had began their show, Allegro instantly took her gaze off of Pendzez to the ocean. She heard the singing, the beautiful voices of the spirits in song. It all flowed together, like the quiet brook that Allegro had grown up by. It was wonderful to listen to. Allegro shut her eyes, listening to the song. She would have looked at the magnificence of the performance, but Allegro never had good vision and would spend too much time trying to spot something, that it would end too soon.

"Pendzez," Allegro began, in utter awe. Her voice was a whisper, nothing more then a murmur. "It's... amazing. I've never seen anything like it. I... love it." Allegro silenced herself, listening to the song of the spirits. The magnificant song of the spirits.


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