WARNING: She isn't to bright[m]

Svara opened her eyes before he came. The scent had grown strong and with it the loud footsteps of Haku. Her motions were quick, but so were haku's. He was in the room with in seconds launching at Leroy. Svara watched the male fend him off with his arm. Suddenly it all made sense. The blood on his body when she came across him, and now him know Haku. Complete dread filled her stomach. This had to be one of her stupider moments. She had let pleasure get in the way of her thinking.

Growling in anger, from the bed she leaned over the side and from under it retreived the dagger that she had aquired. So stealing from Hanna was still a pass time for her. Holding the knife parrellel to her elbow she slashed out at Haku, weather he fell back or was cut by the blade she didn't know or care. This wasn't the males fault. "Screw off Haku. Don't act like you havn't slept with every female across these lands at least once. Fucking leave him out of this if you want to take this mistake out of my hide fine. Svara growled.

She got off the bed, the fight had stopped for a point second. Svara knew Haku would go after them both in a second, and she wasn't in the right posistion to make a good defence, instead she threw the dagger down at the males feet and stood her ground with a strong stance. "Punish me if you must, but not the innocent fool I lead into this. He has nothing to do with it. After all you of all people should know how I am. Svara stated. If anything she didn't want to get into it with Haku.The she wolf would take her beating and punishment with pride, but it was RIGHTFULLY her punishment. Svara had come to love this pack, this cabin, and even Haku and firefly. looking over her shoulder at the male there was a silent apology before she turned her eyes back to Haku.


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