WARNING: She isn't to bright[m]

Svara disappeared out of the picture and everything in the male's vision was Leroy and only Leroy. Not many words went through his head, because it was not necessary anymore. In slow motion the Prince of Dahlia de Mai sunk his teeth into the husky's arm. Blood filled his mouth and ran down his chin. A clawed hand caught him by the throat and lifted him off from the ground. That would actually have surprised the male if he had been in a mind to ponder, but there was no time for such things. Wherever the other male drew his strength from anyways. The grip tightened and Haku's air supply was blocked. However, he did not despair. Although the grip was hard, he clung to Leroy's arm refusing to let go. The man had a good hold on him, true, but Haku was not overwhelmed just yet. He had righteous hatred burning in his soul, he fought for the two boys in another part of the house (he had not checked if they were there, but they had not left the house yet as far as he knew, and Firefly would have told him). This alone gave the male a reason to fight to the death. He had pledged himself to this pack, and in the name of Dahlia and this family, he could not fail.

Haku's one paw aimed for the main artery right below the shifted man's hand, claws aimed for the limb that was attached to his throat, so unless the male let go, he was all too likely to hit. His other arm went after Leroy's face, though he was unable to properly aim because his head was twisted so that he did not have the right view of the male. Haku's back legs kicked against the fully shifted male's stomach area at the same time as he let go of the male's arm, giving all his power to kick the male's guts in and rip the belly open with his hind claws even though his vision began to rotate and grow somewhat blurry. Haku did not know what happened behind him. The child with her dagger and her troubled heart. The demon just saw, smelt and felt the trespasser, and that was all that existed in its world.


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